
 时间:2016-10-24 01:29:07来源:凤凰文化

10月21日上午,2016凤凰·鼓浪屿诗歌节第二天,主题为“个人化写作与外来文化影响”的诗歌国际论坛在鼓浪屿举办。诗人赵野,赵四,李少君,树才,李元胜,默默,韩庆成,廖伟棠,林于弘、黄冈、加拿大诗人洛尔娜·克罗奇(Lorna Crozier),英国诗人李道(Richard Bruns),印度汉学学者、诗人普利亚达西·墨普德教授、韩国翻译家金泰成等人在论坛做出精彩又有见地的发言。论坛由诗人、翻译家、评论家汪剑釗和诗人北塔主持。





当史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens)豪迈声称,“天堂与地狱的伟大诗篇都已写下”,这也标示着在西方文明里,历史已经终结。汉语却有完全不同的命运。我们身处一个前现代、现代和后现代同时混杂的社会,当下中国问题和经验的复杂性,已经对诗歌提出了强大的挑战。能否处理这些问题和经验,既是汉语诗歌的一个深渊,也是一种巨大的可能性。在《责任的重负》(The Burden of Responsibility)这本书里,托尼·朱特(TonyJudt)陈述过,生活在一个不负责任的时代,我们该如何经历,并反对这个时代。当代中国诗人更应该深思同样的命题,这也是我们继续需要的外来文化影响。

Contemporary PoetryWriting and the Influence of Foreign Cultures


Whenpoets in our generation, perhaps also including the previous generation and thenext generation, began to write poems, foreign culture are a fundamental impacton them. The early eighties of last century was a special period of China'scontemporary history. At that time, we walked out from the despotism andlockage of ideology and culture, embracing the outside world, or the westerncivilization more specifically, with an open mind. Through translations, weread all the Western poems that were published at that time and became familiarwith almost all the important poets and their works from Homer, Sappho, Virgil,Dante, to the present. For many of us, the memory of Western poetry map is fargreater than the Chinese counterpart.

Today, after thirty years, we can reflecton what exactly this external influence have brought to us. Poetry is an art oflanguage, I think among us there is no one who did not benefit from theconcepts and methods of Symbolism, Imagism, Surrealism, Stream of Consciousness,and other modern or post-modern trends in terms of experience, consciousness,taste and technique. Thanks to this influence, we can understand therelationship between words and s in modern aesthetic concepts, establishthe Chinese modernist poetry and join the chorus of modernist world.

But this is only one side of the coin, theother side is a minority of us had a sense of pure mother tongue in very earlytime. We touch the history, penetrate into the culture of the Chinese language,trying to explore the unique logic of the only hieroglyph in use today, andfind the rhythm, breath and musicality of Chinese poerty . The rich and subtlesymbols and phors of activated words in our civilization allow the languageto "hook up things that cannot be said". After thirty years of work,some of our most outstanding writers contributed a mature poetry to the Chineselanguage. Considering the fact that modern Chinese only has one hundred yearsold, this is a remarkable achievement.

When Wallace Stevens claimed that "thegreat psalms of heaven and hell have been written down," it also marks theend of history in Western civilization. Chinese has a completely differentdestiny. We are in a society which pre-modernity, modernity and postmodernityare mixed. The complexity of China's current problems and experience has been agreat challenge to poetry. Whether we can deal with these problems andexperiences or not is not only an abyss of Chinese poetry, but also asignificant possibility. In the book The Burden of Responsibility, TonyJudt stated how we should live in an irresponsible world, and how we shouldexperience and oppose it. Contemporary Chinese poets should think deeply aboutthe same proposition, which is also the reason why influences from foreigncultures are still necessary.

编辑:吴凡 审编:沫禹



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